StockClerk Dave?

A lot of people pay money and go to the gym for exercise. Instead, I went to the supermarket, and they paid me! My part-time exercise program "disguised" as a stock clerk for a large regional grocery store chain never amounted to much else, but it was sure a lot of fun! I especially enjoyed the continual interaction with people of all sorts.

Along the way I noticed there were a lot of grocery store terms that nobody, so far as I know, had ever documented.

Well, documenting is in my blood. Thus, just for fun, the Stock Clerk Glossary was born! Take a peek:

Along the way, I learned how to use a LOT of HTML, CSS, and, well, pure determination to coax Blogger into a tabbed glossary format. That experience later paid off, allowing me to seamlessly bolt a Blogger blog onto a customer's website while retaining that other site's look and feel. (See, "And this just in,..." below).

1 comment:

prometheuschange said...

Hi, StockClerk Dave. How are you? How's the Christmas? At risk of sounding grossly egotistical and overly narcissistic,and being up there with the greats-- Bach, Beethoven and Brahms, I found your blog through a mutual musical interest. My name is Petrus. I'm from Jamaica. Just wanted to say "hi". I'm new to this blogging thing, and just learning walk about.
Take care and all the best with your new job.