Okay... Around here they had a thing last year where somehow you won free gas for a year if your car got spotted "wearing" a magnetic sticker from a Sunoco gas station. (See upper illustration, left.)
A LOT of people put them on their cars.
Well wouldn't you know it: long, long after the contest expired, those rear bumper magnets kept staring me in the face.
Some clever marketing scheme, eh? Folks will slap any old sticker on their car. So what if it promotes lusting after a year's free gas? Who wouldn't want that? And so what if there's only a snowflake's chance in Hell they'll actually get it? By comparison, I wondered, who drives around bearing witness to God's Son in Heaven, the one who's promised us life everlasting, and that completely free for the asking?
Yep. Something about that sticker really got to me. So, finally I succumbed to temptation and got one myself.
However, I didn't put it on my car.
Nope. Instead, I scanned it, traced it into vector art using Adobe Illustrator, and then messed with it to turn the downer logo design into an "upper." (See lower illustration, left.) That is, I flipped the yellow diamond and red arrow to point to the better way. Then, I changed "Sunoco" to read "Sun o(f) God," and also made "Official Fuel of NASCAR" say "Official Goal of THIS CAR."
Fun, fun, fun! Of course, I didn't win any free gas. But I sure did have one. Here's a little video of the two images changing places:
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